Thursday, 22 October 2009

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Rough Cut

After collaborating all of our footage into the mac and arranging it in the correct order, we have made the rough cut of our title sequence.

Unfortunately some of our footage we had to get rid of as it did not fit our expectations. We have pieced together this rough copy so we can see how the clips will look and see how it will fit into place for out story.

We showed a group of people who didn't know our story idea, the rough cut to see if it was clear to them what was going on. We had good feedback and they understood what was going on.

We will be working on the titles for our opening scene and once we decide what typography we are going to use we will move onto deciding how the text will appear (e.g. dissolve, typewriter)

For now though this is our rough cut:

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Diamond Production logo

This is our Production company name. This is going to be displayed at the beginning of our sequence after the studio name is introduced. We decided to add a diamond reflecting under the "productions". Using the diamond image relates to the production company name.


We arrived at Karen's house to film the two minute sequence in her small shed. Another reason we decided to film at Karen's was because her dad was playing the character of the clown, so we thought it was only fair for him to stay within his own house.
When we arrived we met our actor and he got changed into his costume, then nicky put on his make up which we bought from town. We got the inspiration of his make up was from the clown IT, we researched the clown on the internet and used the picture to get ideas from.
We all went outside to Karen's shed, we took all the props out with us and positioned everything into place. This included his desk with objects such as newspaper with blood stains over it, candles, cans, wig stands, clown masks on the wall with ripped out newspaper articles with it, ash tray, knife, mirror and make up.
After we had set up the set we started filming the first scene. It was hard to get the right lighting for the shoot and we filmed it in daylight. We thought of an idea of holding up black bin bags up to the window to try and block out the light to create a dark, dingy feel to his room. We took turns filming each of the scenes so we all was able to participate within the film. We told our actor to take a break whilst we took a member of our crew to the bus stop. On our way back it started rain heavily and because of this, we had to halt filming which meant we were behind schedule. By the time the rain stopped, unfortunately we ran out of time. This meant that Karen had to finish off the rest of the shots the next day without us as we could not attend.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Date for filming

We have decided to film our opening title on Friday the 9th of October.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Clown Costume Preview

Our Lovely Model Nicky Is Demonstrating How The Costume Will Look.

Brought Props From Town Visit

While Shopping For Clown Props We Found These Masks For 25p Each. We Thought It Would Be Creepy And Effective To Have Them Round His Room Or On The Wig Stands. We Got Different Ones As We Wanted A Range Of Items Not Just The Same Thing On His Desk.

We Only Needed Enough Face Paints For One Day Of Filming So We Chose To Buy This Small Group Of Colours. The Face Paints Will Add Alot Of Effect Onto The Character.

We Were Thinking Of Hiring Out A Clown Costume For 2 Days As It Would Only Cost £15 But As We Didn't Have Our Actors Size's With Us So We Went To Chariety Shops. We Brought PJ's (Pink/Red Top And Bottoms) And Yellow Pants. We Found It Hard Trying To Find Clothes We Thought Would Look Good But Then We Found These Items For £8 Together. We Were Happy With The Outcome.

We Brought Some White Gloves, A Bow Tie And A Red Nose. We Thought White Would Contrast With The Character (As Connotations Of White Are Pure And Innocence). After Opening The Packaging And Getting The Gloves Out We Thought They Wouldn't Fit Our Actors Hands. Luckily, After Letting Him Try Them On They Have A Snug Fit To Them. The Nose Is A Sponge One Because Filming Can Go On For Hours And We Wanted The Actor To Feel Comfortable. The Bow Tie Was Commical And Added To The Clown Image.
This Wig Was Perfect! We Were Hoping To Get A Ginger One But The Red Will Work Better Because The Connotations Of Red Are: Blood And Danger. The Wig Will Add Alot Of Effect Onto The Character!

The Wig Heads Looked Quite Scary Themselves And We Managed To Pick All 4 Up For Absolutely Nothing! I Think They Will Add Effect To 'Jack's' Room.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009


The image of an evil clown can be disturbing and is often used as an element of horror. Clowns over the years have appeared in more horror films as using a happy figure is known to be more scary. (e.g. Smiling/Laughing while killing someone is more disturbing than the character being angry)

The concept of the evil clown is related to the fear of clowns, known as coulrophobia.
Coulrophobia is abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns. It is common among children, but is also sometimes found in teenagers and adults as well. Sufferers sometimes acquire a fear of clowns after having a bad experience with one personally, or seeing a sinister portrayal of one in the media.

Once films had used clowns in horror movies coulrophobia became a world wide phenomenon, more and more people became 'diagnosed' with this phobia.

With our story-line this phobia has gave us a 'terror-factor' straight away, just the idea of an evil clown would scary many people.


Our audience ranges from early teenagers (15) to early 20's. Other ages will watch our film and enjoy it but we are aiming mainly to the youth as they spent alot more time in cinema's.

The audience we aim at would have watched and enjoyed films such as: The Dark Knight, IT, The Ring, The Blair Witch Project, Death Note, 13 Ghosts, The Exocist, The Fallen and What Lies Beneath

Film Certificate

The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is an independent, non-governmental body, which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912, and videos since the passing of the Video Recordings Act in 1984. The BBFC also classifies different types of media, not just films. (e.g Games)

We chose to classify our film 'Jack' as a 15. We did this because this gives us a larger audience to work with. During the opening credits you don't see much sex, vioence or cursing so the opening itself fits as a 15.

Here are the specification guidlines to a 15 certificate.
The BBFC permits the following within the bounds of the 15 certificate:
Theme: No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate to 15 year olds.
Language: There may be frequent use of strong language; the strongest terms are only rarely acceptable. Continued aggressive use of strong language and sexual abuse is unacceptable.
Nudity: There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.
Sex: Sexual activity and nudity may be portrayed but without strong detail. The depiction of casual sex should be handled responsibly. There may be occasional strong verbal references to sexual behaviour.
Violence: Violence may be strong but may not dwell on the infliction of pain, and of injuries. Scenes of sexual violence must be discreet and brief.
Imitable techniques: Dangerous combat techniques such as ear claps, head-butts and blows to the neck are unlikely to be acceptable. There may be no emphasis on the use of easily accessible lethal weapons (in particular, knives).
Horror: Sustained or detailed infliction of pain or injury is unacceptable.
Drugs: Drug taking may be shown but clear instructive detail is unacceptable. The film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug use.

We originally were going to classify our film as an 18 but after looking through the specifications we thought 15 fitted the storyline and opening much better.

Here are the specification guidlines to a 18 certificate.
The BBFC permits the following within the bounds of the 18 certificate:
The BBFC respects the right of adults to chose their own entertainment, within the law. It will therefore expect to intervene only rarely in relation to '18' rated cinema films. In the case of videos, which are more accessible to younger viewers, intervention may be more frequent.
There are no constraints at this level on theme, language, nudity or horror. The Board may, however, cut or reject the following content: - any detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts which is likely to promote the activity. This includes also instructive detail of illegal drug use - the more explicit images of sexual activity - unless they can be exceptionally justified by context
Sex Education at '18': Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality, safe sex and health, exceptions to the normal constraints on explicit images may be made in the public interest. Such explicit detail must be kept to the minimum necessary to illustrate the educational or instructional points being made.
Sex Works at '18': Material which appears to be simulated is generally passed '18', while images of real sex are confined to the 'R18' category.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

The Name

When deciding on the name for our fictional character, we wanted to call him something that had a hidden meaning or symbolism. In order to do this we firstly, searched the internet for a names generator with meanings. we then searched for any names which connected with keywords such as death, misery, unhappiness and mourning. After doing so, we considered possibly using a contrast and began to search for names with keywords such as happy, party, celebration and fun. After doing this, the generator began giving us names that did not meet our personal specification and were not 'morbid' enough to use. We then researched into famous criminals and found a case involving Jack (the ripper) and decided that the name was suitable for our clown. Another advantage for using the name is that it is widely used in nursery rhymes and children's songs such as 'Jack Sprat' and 'Jack and the beanstalk'. The use of the name 'Jack' within these rhymes carries the innocent and child-orientated theme throughout the film.

Thursday, 1 October 2009


We've looked into other Thriller opening sequences to get inspiration for our own 2 minute sequence. These included Se7en, Cape Fear, Vertigo, Anatomy of a Murder, Casino Royale.


Our Thriller sequence is called 'Jack'. The target audience certificate is a 15. This is because it shows violence, drugs, horror and imitable techniques (knifes)

The concept of the film is about clown who is mentally unstable. He wants revenge on the children who bullied him when he was younger. He has dedicated his life to killing the bullies children.

Our opening sequence begins by a radio sound in the background while the studio name and production company appears on a black screen. The first image is a hand turning on a light hanging down from the ceiling. Then, a flash up of the Directors name is shown. We see his knifes on his desk all lined up neatly, in order of size. This shows the clown has obsessive compulsive disorder. The camera then shows many objects on his desk and items around his room including a lot of blood stains. He looks through his year book scratching out his next victim. The phone then rings, it is a parent asking if Jack could attend a last minute party for her child. It is revealed that the original clown for the child's party was murdered by Jack as he wanted to be able to attend the party so he could kill the bullies child for revenge.